Body Image Therapy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Impact of Body Image Issues on Your Entire Life.
Typically people struggling with body image issues don’t just struggle with body image. It’s common for people to also struggle with a variety of concerns on top of body image issues. Such as:
low self-esteem
issues with physical intimacy
relationship problems
feeling overall discontent in life
These issues are often paired with body image issues. Untreated, it can increase the likelihood of developing anxiety, depression, eating disorders, disordered eating, body dysmorphic disorder, and/or self-harm. Basically, it’s a really serious issue that is easy for people to gloss over. Minimizing the problems surrounding body image issues only makes things worse.
How Does Body Image Become an Issue?
No one wakes up one day and just decides to struggle with their body image. So, what do we mean when we talk about body image issues? It’s bigger than liking or disliking your body. In fact, it’s very nuanced and complex. Body image issues can be developed and fostered for several reasons:
The perception of how you feel your body looks to you and others
Cultural beliefs about what bodies should and shouldn’t look like
Your emotions about your body parts and body
How your body physically maneuvers and takes up space in society
Your perception of what your body can and can’t do
Family members’ perception of what an acceptable body looks like.
What is Body Neutrality?
There is a large movement going on currently, you probably have heard of it…the body acceptance movement. It’s been amazing to see a variety of people of different sized bodies, ethnicities, ages, and abilities show the world they are worthy and beautiful. No Matter What! And while it is my dream that every person is able to one day fall in love with themselves unconditionally, it isn’t always realistic. No, I’m not being a Debby downer! I’m meeting people where they are at.
For many people who struggle with body image issues, telling them to just love themselves can feel daunting. Maybe even impossible. That’s why I believe a great first step is working to get a place where you feel neutral about your body. Where you can see your value and worth outside of your body without the extra effort of feeling like you have to love the way you look. Sometimes we just don’t like the way we look, and that is OK. In fact, it’s actually quite normal. So if you’re in a spot where it feels too much to even think about one day loving your body, can you make space to play around with the idea of feeling at least neutral about it? Body image therapy in Pennsylvania does just that!
Anyone Can Struggle with Body Image Issues.
Body Image issues can impact anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you fit into society’s standard of beauty. It impacts BIPOC persons, abled and disabled bodies, LGBTQ+, larger bodies, smaller bodies, religious background, age, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Despite the fact it can impact anyone, research shows us black women are more likely to be happy with their bodies than white women. It also shows Asian men and women are less happy with their bodies than white women. What has been gathered from research is that culture has more of an impact on people’s body image than ethnicity.
Fatphobia and racism can impact body image issues.
Let’s be real. Fatphobia is an actual thing that impacts many people on a daily basis. Fatphobia can be understood as a culture's overall fear of fatness. You can read online about how society learned to fear being fat. You will get results talking about pop culture, the media, the obesity epidemic, etc. However, what isn’t really discussed is how fatphobia has some really racist roots. If you look at art from the 15th and 16th centuries, you will see voluptuous women portrayed; you’ll also see the presence of black women, depicted as thin and sickly, suggesting their inferiority. Move into the late 16th and 17th centuries, When colonization and slavery became more globalized, and you will see white people not only belittled and demonized black people for the color of their skin, but also for their body composition which was deemed “grotesquely monstrous and animalistic.” In order to be of more “moral superiority,” it was important for white people to differentiate themselves by maintaining a smaller figure.
Want to learn more about fatphobia and racism? Read “Fearing the black body” by Sabrina Strings
“You can’t hate your body into a version you will love.”
Lori Deschene
How EMDR Therapy can help with body image issues.
No one wakes up one day and just decides to dislike their body. As you can see, it’s more complex than we might initially believe. Our brains are incredible and try to adapt to the world as much as possible. Unfortunately, this sometimes means your brain does its best to adapt to things that you don’t want to adapt to. For example, if your family is constantly praising thinness and demonized fatness, your brain is going to buy into that narrative in order to be accepted. EMDR therapy can be a fantastic way can help your brain “unlearn” these messages. EMDR helps your brain understand that believing thinness is a moral achievement isn’t actually the narrative you have to buy into. If you’re curious about how EMDR therapy and body image therapy in Pennsylvania can support you!
Start Body Image Therapy in Pennsylvania to Overcome Body Image Issues!
If you’re tired of all the hate, body checking, and shame, let’s build you back up in the therapy process. When you find yourself reducing social contact due to body image issues or not eating around friends and family, get support from someone who cares. When working in body image therapy with Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online body image therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:
Meet your body image therapist, Hannah Guy
Start gaining control with body image and food you desire!
Other Services at Revive Therapy
Getting therapy support is perfectly OK! You deserve a space to talk through life events that may be holding you back. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’ve been here before, I am here to help you process, work through, and move toward your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. If you’re looking for other services at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, I offer other services. This includes PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, eating disorder treatment, body image issues, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support. Call now!