How Hustle Culture Is Toxic.

Woman working from home. Hustle culture is toxic and we are all victim to it. A trauma informed therapist in Pennsylvania breaks this down and offers tips. Learn more or begin online therapy in Philadelphia and Pittsburg today!

You’re reading this for a reason. Most likely because you either have a trauma history, or you’ve been personally impacted by hustle culture. Either way, I’m glad you’re here! Our society has spent way too much energy reinforcing the belief that if you work hard enough, you will be successful. It’s a dream that many will not be able to accomplish, no matter how much work and time they put in.

So what do I even mean when I refer to hustle culture? It’s a mentality that means one puts most of their effort and energy into pursuing their professional goals. On the surface, this may not seem horrible. What’s wrong with someone pursuing their career? Nothing! The issue that primarily arises is that because you put in work. First, all other things in life take 2nd place.

Hustle Culture normalizes workplace exploitation.

I’ve worked in various medical and mental health care settings, and the expectations set for employees placed their value on the output of their employees, not their overall wellbeing. Let’s face it, though, this is capitalism at its finest. Capitalism does not care about your overall quality of life. So the expectations set by employers are that you go above and beyond the role you’ve been given. And when you don’t? You are considered not a team member and won’t be considered for promotions and raises.

Often, the clients I work with, and even people in my social circle feel bad about setting boundaries at work. Even calling out sick feels like you need to provide a “valid” excuse. For many, that means you are literally puking and cannot physically get out of bed. In reality, our health is none of our employers’ business. But we feel like we owe it to our employers anytime we set boundaries at work.

Man on laptop distressed. Are you experiencing stress from hustle culture in Pennsylvania? You're not alone! Learn more from a trauma informed therapist and see if online therapy in Pittsburg, Horsham, or Philadelphia can help you!

Employers will highlight the importance of self-care to prevent burnout. You wouldn’t be “burnt out” if they didn’t exploit your labor. How many people do you know where they are working the job of 2+ people, but the company they work for won’t divide the labor appropriately? When we are out told it’s our fault we are feeling burnt out, it can take a toll on our mental health and make us feel ashamed we can’t “perform” the way we are told we should.

Nothing is ever enough.

You meet your goal, and instead of sitting in the satisfaction of that goal, you start looking for the next best thing. You put all your energy into your new goal, and guess what happens when you meet that goal? You barely sit in the satisfaction of meeting said goal and then create a different goal. It’s a neverending cycle that will never bring true and sustainable happiness.

Hustle Culture can exacerbate trauma responses.

Living in a chronic state of stress leaves your nervous system in, you guessed it, a chronic state of stress. This means your tolerance for things dwindles, and your capacity to heal your trauma goes out the door truly. This also impacts your ability to enjoy life, especially outside of work. Living in a chronic state of stress tends to become more depressed, anxious, and irritable. Our triggers seem more present, and we seem to have a larger reaction to those triggers than before.

Woman in yellow sweater typing. Are you looking for support? Hustle culture is draining! Learn more from a trauma informed therapist and see if online therapy in Pittsburg, Philadelphia, or online therapy in Horsham is right for you!

Your self-worth becomes conditional.

Our self-worth is a big part of our overall well-being and quality of life. So many things impact our ability to have self-worth, and it’s important not to base our self-worth on concrete, tangible things. Hustle culture breeds self-worth that’s defined by productivity and success. But what happens when things out of our control happen? What happens when you work your ass off and you don’t get that promotion? Does it mean all the effort and work you put into getting a promotion goes to waste? I hope not! Because it’s not IF these things happen, it’s WHEN.

Overcome Your Struggles with Hustle Culture in Pennsylvania!

Hustle culture is toxic and can significantly impact your overall wellbeing. Get support! You don’t have to align with this ideology anymore. Work with Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania. You will work with Hannah Guy, your online therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Revive Therapy

  2. Meet your online therapist, Hannah Guy

  3. Start gaining more control over your life and begin feeling more rested!

Other Services at Revive Therapy

Getting therapy support is perfectly OK! You deserve a space to talk through life events that may be holding you back. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’ve been here before, I am here to help you process, work through, and move toward your goals healthily and sustainably. If you’re looking for other services at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, I offer other services. This includes PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, eating disorder treatment, body image issues, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you need more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support, call now!


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