Getting Through A Bad Body Image Day
There are days when all the hours you’ve spent working towards recovery feel like they’ve been washed down the drain. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The days when you wake up and your body feels like the enemy. You look at your belly and the negative self-talk starts up. Your gaze turns down to the stretch marks and cellulite on your thighs and you look away because you can’t stand to look at yourself. You’ve done the work and know that your body is innocent in all of this. And, you know that you shouldn’t feel this way anymore. But you just can’t help it.
It’s important to know these days will happen.
In fact, actually very normal. Yes, they suck horribly. The thing is, it’s not a matter of if you’ll have a bad body image day, it's a matter of when. It’s so easy to get caught up in why this is happening. There is typically a multitude of things you could blame for bad body image days. We’ll save that for another day. Instead, let’s spend some time looking at how we can better manage these days, that I employ with clients in body image therapy in Pennsylvania.
“Loving your body ONLY when it’s in perfect shape is like loving your kids ONLY when they’re well behaved.”
Body Image Therapy Tips
Remember, this feeling won’t last.
Our emotions aren’t permanent. It’s impossible for you to feel this way forever. In DBT, we would call this “riding the wave.” Sometimes it’s pointless to fight the wave. The path of least resistance is actually to just let the wave take you where it needs to take you while knowing the wave will eventually crash.
Turn your attention to your breath to stop overthinking and worrying about your body. Taking long and slow deep breaths calms down your nervous system which will help decrease the distress you’re feeling.
Do something you love.
Engaging in activities we enjoy can remind us that life is bigger than our body image issues. We are able to remind ourselves that meaning and importance can be found in other things.
Surround yourself with people you love.
This goes along with the last point. By putting yourself around loved ones you can be reminded of how people love you for you, not just for your body. Remember you’re more than a body to look at, you are deserving of support and love fully and completely.
Acknowledge it's not really about your body.
I know it feels like it’s only about your body but I promise you it’s really not. We tend to displace the stress we feel about life onto our bodies. Instead of focusing on your body, ask yourself what recent life stressors you’re going through.
Put away the scale and mirrors.
I promise these things will only make it worse. You can put a sheet over your mirrors and/or have someone hide your scale. Take some time away from this as it only gives your mind more places to run.
Don’t make big life decisions right now.
This only applies to some people, but when we feel distressed sometimes we can make big life decisions on an impulse. Relationship problems? No, you don’t need to break up with your partner today. Work issues? Don’t quit your job quite yet, wait until things have settled.
It’s okay to dislike our bodies.
The body positivity movement is great, but sometimes there will be days when we don’t feel positive about our bodies. Instead of trying to love your body today, can you just try and respect it? Can you identify the things you’re grateful for regarding your body?
Nourish yourself.
Remember that restriction will not save you from a bad body image day, it’ll most likely make it worse. Take some time and be kind to your body. Remember to eat enough food today, practice self-care, get outside, etc.
“How I care and respect myself has nothg to do with my outward appearance.”
Start Body Image Therapy in Pennsylvania to Overcome Body Image Issues!
Bad body image days will come and go. Learning some helpful distress tolerance and self-care tools can allow you to feel more in control. If you want to develop some skills, try working with a therapist in body image therapy. At Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online body image therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:
Meet your body image therapist, Hannah Guy
Develop the skills you need to cope on bad days.
Other Services at Revive Therapy
Asking for support in body image therapy is a brave and bold action to do. Here at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, I offer other many services to help move through the stress and trauma that come along with eating disorders and body image issues. If you’re interested, other services include PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, eating disorder treatment, body image therapy, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support. Call now!