How To Care For Yourself After Roe Vs. Wade Was Overturned

My body my choice sign. We are all dealing with disappointment in Pennsylvania. This is a collective trauma and we all need to be proactive in taking care of ourselves. If you need support, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy can be a safe space for yo

On Friday, June 26th, 2022, The United States supreme court overturned the historic Roe vs. Wade decision which made having access to an abortion legal. Now that it’s been overturned, people are responding in outrage, panic, sorrow, and fear. How are we supposed to process an event like this? How are we supposed to actually make an impact to help women have access to healthcare? How do we prevent other rights from being stripped away? How are we supposed to raise future generations in this climate?

I want to first acknowledge Roe V. Wade being overturned is not the first nor will it be the last time civil rights are threatened and violated. There have been groups of people who have been facing this type of fear since the start of our country. There have been people who have never really felt freedom in a country that claims to be the “land of the free.”

As a trauma therapist in Pennsylvania, I find myself feeling speechless and with a lack of words to provide to my clients as they share their fears. For many people, anxiety comes from a place of unrealistic expectations and fears. However, what are you supposed to say to someone when their fundamental rights have been stripped away. When their anxieties and fears are based on reality. I’ve spent some time thinking about how to navigate these trying times and what words of advice I can give people who are struggling with this event.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

This isn’t the first difficult thing we’ve dealt with as a country and it sure as hell won’t be the last! This recent news is devastating and it’s appropriate to feel out of control and panicked AND we need to learn how to pace ourselves. You will not last long and will eventually burn out if you don’t learn how to slow down and put on the breaks. When we become burnt out we stop caring altogether. Yes, this feels incredibly difficult, somewhat impossible even. But in order for any progress or change to happen, we need people to stay present and engaged, even in the midst of dealing with disappointment.

Women putting hands together united. We are all at a loss and dealing with disappointment in our government. You are not alone. If you need support, try online therapy for PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Pennsylvania. Reach out when you're ready

It’s okay for your nervous system to feel dysregulated

When I refer to the nervous system, I’m talking about the place in your body that is responsible for your trauma responses; that flight, fight, freeze, and/or fawn response. A large part of the work I do with people is helping them learn how to regulate their nervous systems. Those of us who’ve been through trauma often have a nervous system that can become dysregulated quite easily. One of the biggest things in regulating your nervous system is to make sure you’re in a place of stability and safety. Quite frankly, it’s completely appropriate for your nervous system to be firing off right now. When Roe V. Wade was overturned, the safety and security of millions of women became threatened. We are all currently experiencing a collective and ongoing trauma which makes it really hard to regulate the nervous system…..and it is okay to feel this way dealing with disappointment. It is okay if your nervous system is worked up right now. It’s actually doing its job…to protect you from the “danger” we are living through.

Focus on the present moment

Women's rights protest 2022. We are all in horror for what has happened. If you're struggling with dealing with disappointment, you're not alone. Get support in PTSD treatment and trauma therapy. See if a service like EMDR therapy can help you breath

When things like this happen we tend to jump to the future and start to think about every potential outcome. We do this for multiple reasons but the primary being that it helps us feel like we can prepare for the future. However, what ends up happening is we get really worked up and we start catastrophizing. Creating space for your nervous system to be upset doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to sit in a state of chronic distress. Bring yourself back to this present moment. Are you physically safe right now as your read this? Whether you are in bed scrolling on your phone or on your lunch break at work, there is some level of safety. If there wasn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this. Focus on the present and ask yourself, “Am I safe right now in this moment?” Take some slow deep belly breaths and bring your awareness to your surroundings.

Plan ahead

No matter how much time you spend trying to go through every potential outcome with Roe V. Wade being overturned, you will never be able to be fully prepared. Awareness is power and what is important right now is the facts of what is happening and what being prepared looks like for you. For some, it looks like stocking up on Plan B for themselves and their loved ones. For others, it may be making a plan to relocate to another state or country. We want to make sure we are making these plans with as much of a level head as possible. I know you’re dealing with disappointment in our government, but you need to take care of yourself first.

Dealing with Disappoint is Normal, Get Support with PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy in Pennsylvania!

You may be shaken by the Roe V. Wade overturning. We are all dealing with disappointment, shock, and horror, in our own way. This is a collective trauma for women and female-identifying individuals. When everything else feels unsafe, I am here to hold space for your experiences with no judgment. It may be time to begin processing your experiences in PTSD treatment and trauma therapy. At Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online trauma therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Revive Therapy Services!

  2. Meet your trauma therapist, Hannah Guy

  3. Start dealing with disappointment and addressing the burnout!

Other Services at Revive Therapy

Getting therapy support is perfectly OK! You deserve a space to talk through life events that may be holding you back. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’ve been here before, I am here to help you process, work through, and move toward your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. If you’re looking for other services at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, I offer other services. This includes Eating disorder treatment, body image issues, binge eating, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support. Call now!


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